Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Papa's Cabin

Every summer the Day family side gets together for a little family reunion at Papa's Cabin in Cascade, Idaho.  It is so much fun to be with family.  The kids loved it.  It is a place where they can throw rocks, find sticks, swim in the dirt (yes they swam), run around and throw the balls with their cousins.  They are so lucky to have cousins that love them so much!  However, they think that their cousin McKay's name is cousin.  He is just a few months younger than Bella and the three of them are going to have a lot of fun and trouble together as they grow up.  He may be the youngest, but he is the toughest!  Here are some pictures of the week!  Can't wait to play with them at the cabin at Christmas!

Getting ready to go out on the trails!

Aunt Em and McKay are driving and we are nervous!

Papa - where are the horses?

Chilling on the tree stump

Tyler hugging McKay

What should we do now?

Want to play with some rocks? 

Tyler showing McKay the way.

We don't have a lot of girl cousins, but we love Alex and Lizzy!

There they are Papa!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Summer Fun!

We have had so much fun this summer.  We have tried to go to one or two activities a week and have done fun activities like going to see their cousins in Wyoming (and all their fun animals), splash pad, Red Butte, Farmer's Market, the duck pond, the frog pond and swing, Library, zoo, and of course the fun parks.  I am really blessed to have good friends that go to help out with the kids since it can be like chasing kittens - each going their own separate way!  Sometimes I forget to take the camera but sometimes I remember.  Here are some fun summer pictures! 

Tyler and Jillian exploring Red Butte

Bella and Callie - my favorite babysitter!

Checking out the chickens with my cousin Cooper


Playing with the doggies - we love Star Valley!!!

Playing at the cousins!

Train ride at the zoo - Tyler got some sun screen in his eyes

The zoo wtih the Gallups!

Splash Pad - Bella had to go first before Tyler tried it out.

They were in heaven!

They couldn't figure out where the water went!