Wednesday, July 2, 2014

My treasures!

My treasures!!!  We finally got our family pictures done this spring instead of fall time.  We went to Wasatch State Park and had a great photographer that brought out our kids' personalities and made us look good too.  :)

Bella told me she was telling Tyler a secret but won't tell me what it was because it was a secret mommy!

Wow - Where does time go???

We have already had so much fun this summer with Lagoon, zoo, trains, 7 peaks water park, swim lessons and playing!!!  I can't believe I haven't updated the blog in such a long time.  Here are some fun pictures:

Heber Creeper!

Play time!


Pre-school last day party!  Ms. Sandy

Swim Lessons

Seven Peaks

Zoo day

Monday, May 19, 2014

What have we been up to lately???

We have been having fun and gearing up for summer!  The kids were invited to their first official birthday party this past week for a friend of theirs from school - Cael and have Luke and Spencer's just around the corner.  It is a birthday filled season!  Of course, the kids keep thinking that it is their birthdays too!  Ever since the move, Tyler hasn't wanted to sleep in his own room and has slept in mom and dad's room in a port-a-crib.  Well, we went and got him a BIG bed hoping that it would help!  So far so good!  Keep your fingers crossed for us!  Here are some fun pics! 

Cael's birthday party at the Summit Pool! 

There isn't a bouncy house they don't love!!!

They love any and all parks!!! 

Tyler's big bed!!! 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Learning is fun!!!

Kids have been doing so well in pre-school.  Learning letters, coloring, making new friends and painting!  It is a small private pre-school with only 8 students and 2 teachers, so they get a lot of one on one time with the teacher.  I read an article that the need to invest in their early years is so critical, so I know it is worth it!   I do like that it is only 2 days a week.  I would miss them too much if it was more often.  Here are some pictures of them painting...

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

3 year checkups!

It was time for the kids' 3 year check ups and they were happy that they didn't have to get shots!  Their stats came in as follows:

37 pounds - 90th percentile
39 inches long - 85th percentile

32 pounds - 85th percentile
39inches long - 90th percentile

Our girl is catching up to her brother in both height and weight!  Tyler also went in for his annual cranial check up and we have to go for his scan, but the surgeon thought he looked really good and if everything is ok with the scan, we don't have to go back for 2 years!  YEAH!!!

3 year old check ups and both are the same height!

I am trying to decide if it is too early to enroll them in soccer - they don't seem interested when we got to the basin recreation and play just the 3 of us, but they love playing in the nets!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentines Day...

Our hearts are full of love for these two beautiful children of ours and full of love for our great big large extended family that includes so many - the Warner's, the Sitton's, the Day's and the Weston's!  May you all feel our love this year!  Below are our kids making their first Valentines and Valentine bags.  We also made chocolate chip cookies to share to our loved ones this day! 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Kids are enjoying their pre-school.  Tyler doesn't want mom to leave when I drop them off, but doesn't want me to pick him up when I come either.  He just takes a minute to warm up to it.  Bella is quiet but loves it.  It is so fun to see them learning!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Happy New Year!

Well, we didn't stay up to watch a ball drop or anything, but we did have some big news with 2014.  The kids went to Sunbeams!  Bella got to go with her big brother and they seem to be liking it.  Although, Tyler says that he has to sit a lot now.  They also started going to pre-school just 2 days a week and really love it. 

First day of Primary!  Such big, beautiful and healthy kids! 

First day of Pre School!  Our kids are growing up way too fast!